Saturdays at 11:00am - 1:00pm
1ST HOUR: Warm-ups and Vocal Exercises
2ND HOUR: Solo Performances and Technical Critique
COST: $35 p/class
DISCOUNT available for most students enrolled in WVS private lessons!
This weekly group class for singers of all levels. Taught by Senior Faculty Aaron Cafaro, each week features a group exercise session followed by a lecture on a specific concept of voice technique. Singers are then encouraged to perform individually in front of the group and are critiqued through the filter of that week's rotating theme (e.g., range, tongue tension, breathing, etc.) A wonderful bridge-the-gap between practice and performance, this class is highly recommended for novice and intermediate singers who want to explore new concepts and just keep their voice in shape.
Click here to register for a BootCamp class today!