2025-2026 PCC Songwriter Workshop
FALL WORKSHOP (15 Classes)
Tuesday Evenings, 7:00-9:45p
September 16th – December 16th
$350 monthly*
Tuesday Evenings, 7:00-9:45p
January 6th – March 24th
$350 monthly*
Monday Evenings, 7:30-9:45p (Theory Bootcamp, 6:30-7:30p)
March 31st – June 16th
$350 monthly*
-$500 off entire program: Full payment up front-
-$100 off each workshop: Full payment up front
-$250 off each workshop: Audit-only Participant
-$300 off each workshop: Current students***
-$150 off each workshop: PCC alumni***
$250 credit each: Student Referrals**
Students who complete the entire course will receive a Certificate in Advanced Songwriting
* - 4 monthly payments p/workshop
** - non-PCC students or alumni only
*** - full course enrollment required, current students with contracts that expire during the workshop qualify for alumni discount only
Where is the workshop?
853 7th Avenue, Suite 2A, Main Salon, between 54th and 55th Streets. Also Online via ZOOM
When is the workshop?
Monday evenings beginning September 18th. Theory boot camp begins at 6:30p. Songwriting Workshop begins at 7:30p.
What will this class cover?
Fall (beginner) – Simple Lyric writing, converting lyrics to melodies, melodic and rhythmic motives, diatonic chord progressions, basic piano and guitar textures, self-accompaniment, lyric sheets and chord charts
Winter (intermediate) – Advanced rhyming and poetic devices, chromatic chord additions, composing your own tracks in a DAW, writing for additional voices and duets, advanced chord charts and lead sheets, stage performance with microphone
Spring (advanced) – Writing vocal harmonies, writing for multiple instruments, advanced harmonic progressions and modulations, advanced lead sheets and piano/vocal score, stage performance with a band
How much is tuition?
4 installments of $350 p/month for each workshop.
Are there discounts, payment plans or scholarships available?
YES! In addition to a minimum $250 credit for each student referred, there are discounts for full payment up front as well as PCC student status and other payment plans available. There are limited scholarships available, but commitment to all three workshops is required.
Do I have to play an instrument?
Beginner proficiency in either piano or guitar is required by the second workshop. Students who are currently studying piano or guitar during the first workshop may enroll. All current PCC students are qualified.
What if I have no musical background or experience?
Students with no musical background or experience can still enroll, but are required to attend the theory bootcamp prior to the workshop sessions.
Are there any special events or bonuses associated with this workshop?
YES! In addition to our one-hour theory bootcamp, there will be advanced lyric writing workshops, vocal performance workshops, special guests, and a field trip!
What if I already know how to write songs?
Regardless of your talent, experience and educational background, all songwriters have strengths and weaknesses. This workshop will work from your highest level of ability and push hard from there. At EAMA, Mr. Wickham has worked with professional songwriters, arrangers, composers and graduates of top-level conservatories to greatly expand their knowledge base and strengthen creative muscles as well as their own efficiency.
Can I Audit this Workshop?
Yes. Auditors pay a discounted tuition and may view the class and complete assignments and projects. Auditors may not participate in Q&A discussions, share songs in class and participate in concerts and recital events.
Who is teaching this course?
The primary teacher is Patrick Michael Wickham. [Mr. Wickham is a professional composer/lyricist of over 300 songs. He has worked with numerous artists and labels including So-So Def, Universal Music Group and Capital Records among others. He has won numerous awards for composition, including the BMI songwriting prize (1992). As a film composer, he contributed music for the movies Castaway and Little Nicky as well as numerous independent projects. Mr. Wickham also wrote the book, music and lyrics for seven fully-produced musicals including Off-Broadway’s Bellevue Sketches (2009), as well as ballets (Annabel, Lo), and a fully-scored three-act opera (Nocturne)]
What if I already produce my own beats?
If you already compose your own digital background music, this workshop will help you on two specific levels: 1) push you harder to conceive music and ideas away from computer production tools so that your songwriting relies less on improvisation over a track and more about the symmetry and architecture of great writing, and 2) enhance your ability to write beats/arrangements with more interesting melodic lines, rhythmic phrases, harmonies and a more professional, even and balanced sound.
What if I have no music theory background? / How much is required?
A remedial level of music theory is recommended. There will be a one-hour music theory bootcamp prior to each class to cover crucial elements of melody, rhythm, harmony, basic sightreading, piano, ear training, transcription and other theory elements necessary for completion of class assignments.
Will there be homework involved?
YES. It is recommended you budget at least two-to-four hours outside of class to complete composition assignments. This does not include the primary song.
What if I don’t know how to read music?
You will learn. Note: there is minimum sight reading required for these workshops.
What will I learn to do in this class?
By the end of the workshops, you will be able to effectively compose melodies for lyrics, write lyrics for pre-composed melodies, write harmonic progressions. By the completion of the workshops, you will be able to write out professional lyric sheets, chord charts, advanced chord charts, lead sheets, arrange and produce music on a DAW (digital audio workstation) and collaborate with professional musicians in a live band setting.
What kind of music will I learn to write?
Fall: Singer-songwriter Ballads (four-chords, non-modulating)
Winter: Up-tempo songs with accompaniment/beats designed in DAW, and duets
Spring: Jazz standards or Pop songs converted to jazz band (Amy Winehouse or Post Modern Jukebox style) with vocal harmonies
What genres of music will we study?
Fall: Commercial Music (pop, rock, R&B, folk), 1950-present
Winter: Advanced Commercial music (80’s pop/rock/R&B)
Spring: Jazz and Broadway Standards, Classical Arias, Harmonically-complex Commercial Music
How many songs will I write?
By the end of all three workshops, each student will have completed a minimum of six (6) songs and perform at least three of them in public.
Will the songs I write be recorded?
All recitals and concerts will be recorded on video. Professional audio recording sessions are available for all students based on availability.
Am I required to perform my own song?
No. While it is recommended that participants both sing and play their own music, they do have the option of bringing in outside vocalists and/or musicians to perform at the recitals and concerts.
Where will I be performing my songs?
The venues for the three concert events are still TBD, but they will be guaranteed professional-grade stages. Past PCC performance venues have included: The Cutting Room, Arlene’s Grocery, The Bitter End, The Players Theatre, Daryl Roth Theater, et. al.
Is this class only for beginners?
Not at all! This is an all-level songwriting class designed for both advanced and beginning songwriters. All three sections are highly recommended.
I’m very advanced. Can I join the class later?
While it is recommended that students attend all three workshops in order to get the most out of the process, participants may opt to join the workshop in the second or third sessions. (Note: an audition is required to participate in the second and third courses including a minimum theory and songwriting competency requirement based on the concepts and standards covered in the previous workshops)
I’m a complete beginner. Should I wait to join until I’m better?
No. There are going to be additional outside class opportunities for beginners to gain confidence in theory, creative writing and the other skills involved in songcraft. Songs are always written at your current level of ability, confidence and skill. You won’t be overwhelmed by the process.
Do I have to commit to all three workshops?
No, but in order to qualify for certain discounts and the certificate, students need to complete the curriculum for all three workshops.